The Elusive Extended Family Shoot - Springhill, Florida

Does this sound familiar? Every time the family all gets together, we always mean to take some photographs but somehow it never happens. I often hear this from clients who contact me to finally schedule those extended family portraits. I know my family meant to do this before my mom passed away - we even had a photographer we had contacted but then life and schedules and hesitant feelings always got in the way.

My husband’s family has been just as difficult to get all together. Part of it is that we now live across the country. This summer we were all together at my in-laws, traveling from three different states to make it happen, and a professional photographer family member (me!) as a free incentive and still people were humming and hawing. With a push from several family members, clothing changes, and a lot of silliness to get two babies to smile, we finally got those family photos. And everyone was thrilled and smiling by the end - we had done it! Finally!

I worked some photoshop magic to make sure after 4 takes (keep in mind we did this with a timer so I had to run to get in the shot and no one had someone to directly look at behind the camera) we came out with a large family photo everyone is happy with. We got the grandkids in one or two, plus my in-laws now have an updated picture and everyone has a Christmas card photo if they want it.

Truly, a success and I hope one that we can repeat next year when we are all together again. Let me know if I can help make this happen for your family too!


Self Esteem & Displayed Photographs - Child Photographer, Brooksville Florida